Thursday 12 January 2017

Maybelline Fit Me Matte And Poreless Foundation 105

Hey Guys!

I think I've found my new holy grail foundation!
I've tried so many different foundations for my oily skin and by the end of the day my face looks like you could fry and egg on it, until now.
I was browsing on the my local savers a couple of weeks ago at the Maybelline stand as they had money off some of the products and the Fit Me Matte And Poreless Foundation caught my eye. I'm always on the lookout for new matte foundations as I could never find one that actually stays matte. I didn't buy it the first time I saw it as I like to do a little research before I buy.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Top 4 Face Masks

Hey guys!
Sorry I've been gone for so long, my laptop broke so I couldn't post anything and I've only just managed to get a new one so I'm hoping to start posting more regular.

If you're like me who has oily/sometimes spotty skin or if you just want a nice pamper session then you'll love a good facemask, so I'd thought I'd show you my top 4 face masks. 

Sunday 5 June 2016

Currently loving!

Hey guys!
I love reading peoples currently loving posts as you discover new products, what everyone is liking at that point in time and they're like little reviews. So I thought I'd give it a go.
I'm going to start off with face products as that's what I've got most of.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Essence XXXL Lipgloss review

Hey guys!

I've never really been a lip gloss person, but then I received one as a gift for Christmas and I changed my mind. I received Essence XXXL nude lip gloss in 03 Taste the sweets. It's a lovely pinky nude, not to bright on the lips more of a subtle hint of colour but wears really well. Very moisturising on the lips and glides on really easy, also has a very nice sweet like scent. Since receiving this lip gloss I went on to purchase two more.

Thursday 31 December 2015

Vegan chocolate brownies!

Hey guys!

I bake a lot, but never have I baked anything vegan in my life...until now. My brother and his vegan girlfriend were at home for new years eye and I cooked. I thought I would do something easy so I opted for brownies. Normal brownies are easy to make so I thought vegan ones will be to, and I was right! It took no longer then 10 minutes to make then 30 minutes baking. I'm going to put some picture in at the bottom of the process in case that helps anyone. So here's the recipe!

Finished product

Monday 21 December 2015

Festive Mince Pies!

Hey guys!
I'm here with a festive post! For the last couple of weeks I've been so busy with Christmas coming up it seems like I'm always busy baking, one of the things I always bake over the festive period is mince pies. My family loves these and they go in an instant, so this year I thought I do a slight twist on them and they went down a treat.

Lets get started.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Perfect winter lip and nail from MUA

Hey Guys!
Sorry I haven't written a post in a while I've been really busy, I've been getting stuff ready for my mums birthday as that was end of November, then Christmas is just around the corner. Then I got sick with a bad cold and toothache but I am finally starting to feel better, now I'm writing this post, so lets get on with it.
I was shopping in Superdrug the other week and there was a 3 for 2 deal on so I took advantage of it. I looked at the MUA counter and this nail polish and lipstick jumped out at me. I instantly thought they would make a perfect winter lip and nail combo and it didn't brake the bank!