Monday 18 May 2015

Oreo Cupcakes!

Hey guys!
Today I'm going to share with you some Oreo cupcakes I made. I got the recipe of Tanya burr's blog and this is my take on it!
They are so simple to make and taste amazing!

All you need are:
For the cupcakes:
175g butter
165g caster sugar
3 eggs
40g cocoa
125g self raising flour
1 tsp. baking powder
12 Oreos or 1 pack (can either be normal Oreos or double chocolate)
For the butter cream icing:
100g butter
200g icing sugar
12 Oreos or 1 pack (again either normal or double chocolate)
(NO double stuff!)
I've made these cupcakes with both plain Oreos and double chocolate and they both taste amazing, its just personal preference.
To make the cupcakes:
First you pre-heat the oven to 180oc, Gas mark 4 or 350f. Then cream the butter and sugar together, until light a fluffy. Then add the eggs on at a time and mix thoroughly. Then add the flour, cocoa and baking powder, mix until its all combined. If the mixture is to thick add a little milk. Prepare the cupcake tins with your choice of cases and then place an Oreo in the bottom of each case. Then spoon the mixture into them making them about 3/4 full. (you don't want them to full otherwise they will come out like mountains and the buttercream wont stay on it) Bake for 14-17 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean and they are springy to the touch. Once cooked leave to cool on a wire rack. While the cakes are cooled you can make the buttercream.
To make the buttercream:
 First whip the butter a little, you want to loosen it a bit. Then add the icing sugar and mix, it should look light and fluffy. Once you have made the basic buttercream, take 6 Oreos and place them in a food bag, bash the Oreos to make crumbs. (you can do this in a food processer) then add the crushed Oreos in the buttercream and mix together. Once the cakes have cooled top them with Oreo icing. You can take the other 6 Oreos and cut them in half and top the cupcakes with half and Oreo. I have done this but if the cupcakes don't get eaten within the first day the Oreos on top of the cakes go soft as it soaks up the moisture of the buttercream.
That's it!

Here's a close up of the cupcakes I made with plain Oreos and with an Oreo on top.
And here's a close up of the cupcakes I made with double chocolate Oreos, without an Oreo on top.
I think they both look great and they all taste amazing. My family love them.
Hope you all enjoy and if you recreate these tag me on instagram and use the hashtag #BakingWithElizabethJane its: lizziea_05
Have a good day!
Elizabeth Jane

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