Sunday 5 June 2016

Currently loving!

Hey guys!
I love reading peoples currently loving posts as you discover new products, what everyone is liking at that point in time and they're like little reviews. So I thought I'd give it a go.
I'm going to start off with face products as that's what I've got most of.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Essence XXXL Lipgloss review

Hey guys!

I've never really been a lip gloss person, but then I received one as a gift for Christmas and I changed my mind. I received Essence XXXL nude lip gloss in 03 Taste the sweets. It's a lovely pinky nude, not to bright on the lips more of a subtle hint of colour but wears really well. Very moisturising on the lips and glides on really easy, also has a very nice sweet like scent. Since receiving this lip gloss I went on to purchase two more.